Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another Reason to Remove Grain From Your Diet

Ever noticed how when you give up grains and carbs that your indigestion goes away?? Well, here's another funny "proof" (and I use this loosely of course! LOL).

About 1/2 of the baking soda sold in the U.S. is used for indigestion in cattle. Most cattle are fattened up in feedlots on corn, hay, and supplements before being slaughtered. They can eat up to 25 pounds of grain a day. Their stomachs were designed to digest grass, not grain, so they tend to get indigestion. Feedlots give the cattle baking soda to ease the problem.

See Question 3 and it's Answer:



Anonymous said...

LOL that is so funny that so much of the baking soda in the country is used for cow indigestion!! I totally agree - I had gone days with out any grains then had some and I got so sick on my stomach. The worst stomach cramps! Proves to me that we aren't meant to eat processed grains (at least in large quantities!)

bad fairie said...

Wow, and cows are supposed to be one of the main contributors of methane gas. I wonder if getting cattle off grains would reduce
global warming?

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